December 13, 2011

WordPress 3.3 is Out



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“Sonny” the latest version of WordPress is out, and available for download. Check your dashboard and you should see an option to upgrade automatically, just in case you want to upgrade manually you can check instructions to upgrade.

With WordPress 3.3 you get

  • Drag and drop uploader.
  • Ability to upload rar and 7z files.
  • Now widgets don’t go away just because you changed the theme.
  • Import from tumblr.
  • New hover menu for navigation.
  • Improved admin tool bar.
  • Pointer tips for all the new features.
  • Improved co-editing notification
  • In case you are new, help tabs have been revamped to make it easier to find help when you need it.
  • Dashboard optimized for iPad’s and touch.
  • Latest version of jQuery.
  • Improved editor API, to make it easier to add buttons.
  • Performance improvement for ‘post slug’ permalink structure.


You can also checkout massive list of changes and improvements on codex.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank every one who contributed to code that released for 3.3, here is list of people who made this awesome release possible.

AdamBackstrom, amereservant, ampt, andrewfrazier, arena, carlospaulino, Caspie, cebradesign, David, Da^MsT,deltafactory, demetris, designsimply, dgwyer, Digital Raindrops, dragoonis, DrewAPicture, eduplessis,Eightamrock, eko-fr, Elpie, elyobo, Empireoflight, evansolomon, fonglh, garyc40, GaryJ, goldenapples, goto10,hakre, Ipstenu, Jackson, Jayjdk, jeremyclarke, jgadbois, Jick, JohnONolan, jtclarke, kevinB, kitchin, Kuraishi,Latz, linuxologos, lukeschlather, Mako, MarcusPope, mark-k, masonjames, MattyRob, matveb, Maugly,mdawaffe, mitchoyoshitaka, Mr Papa, mrtorrent, natebedortha, olivM, olleicua, Otto, pagesimplify,paulhastings0, pavelevap, pete.mall, peterwilsoncc, ppaire, r-a-y, Rami Y, ruslany, ryanhellyer, saracannon,scottconnerly, sirzooro, tech163, TheDeadMedic, tmoorewp, vnsavage, wpweaver, WraithKenny

If you have reached here. Hop onboard!

And get ready to do more with your website. Just click the button below and someone from our team shall get in touch with you.