December 10, 2015

WordPress 4.4 is released, see what's new



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WordPress 4.4 is released, see what's new featured image

WordPress 4.4 “clifford” is here, lets check what all cools things we will get in this upgrade.

Responsive Images

responive images WordPress 4.4
Now no need to write extra lines of code in theme for the responsive images, WordPress 4.4 handled responsive image using srcset in img html tag. Using this Browser will figure out which image to load based on client’s browsers capacity, so its browsers magic now.

 Embed Everything

Till now WordPress allows to Embed external videos, tweets using oEmbed, in WordPress 4.4 you can embed posts from other WordPress sites as well. Simply dragging and dropping the link of post will do the job, it will show title, excerpt and features image as well if set.

Twenty Sixteen Theme

WordPress 4.4 came with Twenty Sixteen. Beautifully design with Mobile first principal.

For WordPress Developer and Plugin Authors

REST API infrastructure into Core

WordPress 4.4 comes with REST API infrastructure into Core, now WordPress developer can create new API or use existing API in their own applications and can include Rest API in plugins by adding custom endpoints.

Term Meta

Terms now support metadata as well which was required in most of the complex WebApps is there. Can user add_term_meta(), get_term_meta(), and update_term_meta() to play with terms.

New Objects

WP_Term, WP_Comment, and WP_Network objects are now available for more powerful coding.
Comment form fields gets rearranged, now comment first comes first and then name, email etc.

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